Goin is a brilliant stencil artist, who has visited Bristol a number of times, usually in association with Upfest. I met him one time when he was doing a little 'extra' piece on a non-legal wall, and he was reluctant to give anything away. I knew wh…
Goin is a brilliant stencil artist, who has visited Bristol a number of times, usually in association with Upfest. I met him one time when he was doing a little 'extra' piece on a non-legal wall, and he was reluctant to give anything away. I knew who he was because I recognised his style, but didn't let on. This is a wonderful piece painted on the side of the Spotted Cow pub in North Street.
Goin, Spotted Cow, Upfest 24, Bristol, May 2024
There is a simplicity to Goin's work that makes it more meaningful in a way than some of the extraordinary multi-layered stencil pieces crafted by master technicians. The skill here is in telling a story, and the title of the piece 'stop bullying' provides enough to see what is going on. A young forlorn schoolgirl with a bag slung over her shoulder, all in greyscale, is equipped with a large red boxing glove, perhaps to protect herself. There is so much to take away from this piece and the imagery sticks in the mind. One of Upfest most consistent visiting artists.
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