A pale charmeuse poured over her
like a cool silky mist
flavored with stardust remnants
smoothed by their tumble from heaven to earth
A sensual layering held together
with ten tiny pearls drip-dropped down the center
each one, its own salty story of creation and imperfections
an irritant rubbing over time, their common bond
Sweet cream swirled
turning bitter black, burning
into a morning mocha, cooled
A head held forward
toward a world waking
from its seventh day slumber
The clip clop of horse hooves
trotting tourists clamoring
for a taste of the ancient
strong muscles echo
down streets narrow
paved with uneven stones
A breeze carrying a blend
of sinful sweets and sea scents
lifted sheer curtains
from their resting pose
cream-colored petals
easily convinced to shake loose
from their shrinking stem
The quiet moments, with unexpected and simplistic beauty were my travel favorites. Thank you for stopping by and sharing a moment with me as I continue the savory task of adding poetic lines to my European photos. Warm regards. 🌼 Michele
my photos, Bruges, Belgium
© 2024 MyInspiredLife
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