Date: 2024-04-02
AO: thegeneral
Q: Lazlo
PAX: Popeyes, Hard Knox, bogey, citrus, Traveler, Booking, Toolbox, Papi, Papi FNGs: 1 Papi
It was a soggy morning. The Q thought about this in advance, for once, and had some plans for a parking garage beatdown. We picked up Hard Knox just in time and moseyed to the peace and quiet of combining an interstate with an echo chamber. We had an FNG, so we modified things to be a bit easier to follow and less weird. April Fools! We didn't do that. Because that would be dumb.
WARMUP: SSH, mosey to parking garage, cherry pickers, Michael Phelps, downward dog, WGS
THE THANG: PAX partnered up, and ran a lap around the parking deck, in opposite directions, until they met halfway through the lap. PAX performed 5 exercises together, 5 reps each: -Carolina Dry Docks
-Bonnie Blairs (hard way)
-Monkey Humpers (in cadence)
-American Hammers (IC)
The PAX then high fived before proceeding around the deck until they met at the start, and did the exercises again. Repeato for 5 total laps.
Part 2: Sightseeing tour of the three levels of the parking garage. First level, bear crawl across the deck, stopping at each support post for 2 hand-release Merkins. Mosey down the ramp. Second level, broad jump across the deck, stopping at each support post for 2 HR merkins. Mosey down the ramp. Third level, bear crawl across the deck, stopping for 2 HR merkins.
Mosey back to the top, stopping to crawl bear up the ramps.
Mosey back to the field, run at 50% to the 50, sprint to the other goal line. Repeato x4.
MARY: LBC, toy soldiers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murph and Boneathon
COT: It's 1/4 of the way through the year. Pause to reflect on what you wanted to accomplish this year. If you're on track, give yourself some credit. If you've dropped out of a resolution or haven't started yet, don't beat yourself up. But this is a good time to get started.
Tags: thegeneral, Popeyes, Hard Knox, bogey, citrus, Traveler, Booking, Toolbox, Papi, Papi
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