atowhee posted: " The flowers lingering all come atop introduced plants; yarrow, dandelion, other yellow composite, tansy ragwort, a deep blue thistle, QA lace, pennroyal and its pungent scent when you brush against it. Some leaves are falling, others cling in bright col" Towheeblog
The flowers lingering all come atop introduced plants; yarrow, dandelion, other yellow composite, tansy ragwort, a deep blue thistle, QA lace, pennroyal and its pungent scent when you brush against it. Some leaves are falling, others cling in bright colors. There is significant water in the canal but the diked pools are still dry. No ducks, yet. Geese simply grazing, locals not cacklers, yet. The seed eaters were there in the hundreds. Their food abundant. Chilly morning so I saw no insects moving. The small birds had another observer besides me--a Cooper's Hawk, at point chasing away a Red-shouldered Hawk. I can expect Coops at Fairview, except during their breeding season. This was my first-ever red-shoulder there.
Above: Coop left, reddy right.
Sounds: crows calling, red-wings singing at the sun.
Migrants: my first Golden-crowned Sparrows of the season, white-crowns, Orange-crowned Warblers, a female Lazuli Bunting with her pudgy shape and lack of field marks a clear guide to ID, perhaps one or two of the Coops, possibly one or both flickers. No way to guess the origin of the many gobbling finches.
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