I recently became certified as a Yasei Shinrin Yoku Habitat Guide. This means I am certified to Guide you into a Nature connection experience.

You are invited to be authentically you, to come home and be with Pachamama, however you want.

This practice of Shinrin Yoku (Forest-bathing) was developed in Japan, in the 80's. It is a way to be mindful, to connect, to dwell, to heal.

There are health benefits for all layers of self.

During a Forest-bathing session, you will have an opportunity to give to, receive and respect Nature 🙏

The Yasei part of my certification means that I am a wildcrafter. I will invite you to consider the healing medicine from the plants and trees in the wilderness.

Stay tuned for many upcoming offerings, to practice slowing down; being authentically you, belonging, coming home to the only home we have - Mother Earth 🌎