I woke up a while ago but I've been doing chores, the whole time going over my dream in my mind. There was a diner where someone was watching people. The watcher had a watcher. Then it turned into a competition to see who could trap more people. The diner became a room with two straggly short Charlie Brown Christmas Trees. One tree being little more than bare branches, the other had a little bit of greenery and resembled a tiny Christmas tree. It's a wonder the few ornaments that adorned them were able to be supported by the thin branches. The trees sat side by side with a doll house in front of each one so the lights from the trees were seen through the windows of the houses, so two trees two doll houses nothing taller than a five year old. There were heartbeats that I knew to be of children. If a child wondered close to the houses they would be ensnared, stolen away I guess inside the houses. I tried to warn people off but no one would pay any attention to me. Everything sat on the floor on the far side of the room. I saw windows that would have been basement level to passersby on the outside on the sidewalk. The perfect height for a small child to see into as the held their parent's hand walking by. The heartbeats grew louder and louder until I roused enough to realize the heartbeats were coming from Benny, one of our dogs sleeping on his bed at the foot of our bed. I guess he was dreaming too and tapping out a thump thump thump. My won heart was pounding when I woke up so afraid for the kids. I was trying so hard to fight something I could not see but knew to be there none the less. I need coffee.

But no coffee until I finish this, take at least half my French class and work out. I need to pick up a turkey pan today and take the art off the loom. It is so good!! If I do say so myself. Hint: macaroon, coffee. I can't wait to show you.

The day beckons and coffee is the reward waiting a couple hours away so meet me back here tomorrow. Hugs!!

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