Hi Lovelies, Lauren here providing you with your weekly dose of healthy and mindful living inspiration. This week you can read all about what I call lifestyle exercises and why they are so important. If you follow our YouTube Channel- liveloveauthentically then you will know this is something I talk about a lot! (Sorry not sorry).

So what are lifestyle exercises I hear you ask? Lifestyle exercises can be a lot of things really, it can be your morning walk to work, it can be cleaning your house/flat, it can be stretches at your desk at work, it can be your weekly grocery shop. (Yes that counts). Essentially lifestyle exercises are exercises you do already, it's just getting your body moving. It's not the traditional 60 minute workout on the treadmill at the gym, they're exercises we can all and most like already do.

Ok so I hear you ask, why are you making a blog post about this? Well I'm making this blog post to highlight how important these exercises are. I truly believe that it is better to find ways to move your body every single day whether this be lifestyle exercises or the gym if that's what you like, and this is better than not moving at all. If this past year has taught me anything it's that you need to look after your body and your health. That's why this past year I have been exploring ways to move my body that are not traditional exercise, and these are manageable for everyone.

By moving every day, you are using your muscles often so preventing things like muscle deterioration or body aches and pain which can happen as a result of not moving. I've created this blog post to show you that by adding these lifestyle exercises to your life and doing them more frequently that you are looking after your body and your health just fine ❤

I hope you enjoyed the read and that you have found value from this post. What lifestyle exercises are you doing already? Let me know in the comments!

Lauren 🌻