It's that time of the year when the city, by which I mean Manchester, gets dressed up in the theme of Halloween. There's so much fun stuff and I took a lot of pictures; it was a though decision to pick the ones for a blog post.

"Can you believe the utter stupidity?"

"Howdya like my new tentacles?"

Welcome to our castle. Don't worry, we don't eat people.

Without cooking them first.

Dragons make wonderful pets, I hear. As long as you're fireproof, you'll be fine.

"There's something in my eye."

Wanted: vendor for our market stall. We're not sure what happened to last one.

A skeleton collection: I don't know what it is, but I really do enjoy skeletons. I think it might be that they always look like they're laughing at something.

And this one's in a wheelbarrow. I love wheelbarrows.

"Hello, honey, I've been waiting for you!"

"Oh, look, kids, daddy's home!"


There's nothing like seeing monsters or villains deeply in love with each other. I went to see Venom Let There Be Carnage the other day, and the romance between Cletus and Frances (played by Woody Harrelson and Naomie Harris), the villains of the film, melted my heart. They were just so tender with each other, and you know they'd destroy the civilisation to be together. They even danced in the flames!

Since I'm on this topic, how about Gomez and Morticia from Addams Family? I think they legit might be one of the best married couples in all of fiction.

Anyway, Happy Halloween, and beware of the monsters. The true scary fact is, the most dangerous ones don't look like monsters at all.