Doors 273 - Doors of Manchester, UK, November 2023 (Part II) Life is speeding up. It is already 1 August, the days are getting shorter, and so far 2024 has been a blur - it would be nice to be able to slow things down, at least for just a little while. …
Doors 273 - Doors of Manchester, UK, November 2023 (Part II)
Life is speeding up. It is already 1 August, the days are getting shorter, and so far 2024 has been a blur - it would be nice to be able to slow things down, at least for just a little while. It is probably my age, and a realisation that every moment is precious, but why would that make time go by faster? I am sure there must be studies on this kind of phenomenon, but I don't have the time to seek them out and read them!
These doors were photographed last November while visiting Manchester with my daughter, who is currently travelling in Laos some 5,678 miles away from home, a stark contrast with Manchester, apart from the rain.
We are often our own worst critics, and I would say that there is only one 'special door' in this selection - I wonder if you can guess which one I think that is. Enjoy.
Royal Exchange Theatre doors and vaulted doorway, Manchester, November 2023
Three doors and grand doorway - Corn/Produce Exchange/Grocery, Manchester, November 2023
Not really a door, but just liked the view, Manchester, November 2023
Shuttered door and wonderful tiles at Arthur Kay & Bro, Manchester, November 2023
Green door, red tiles and an unintentional doorfie, Manchester, November 2023
Ornate wooden scrolls and steps up to this door within an archway, Manchester, November 2023
That's all for this week. Happy August.
If you have made it this far, you probably like doors, and you really ought to take a look at the No Facilities blog by Dan Anton who has taken over the hosting of Thursday Doors from Norm 2.0 blog. Links to more doorscursions can be found in the comments section of Dan Anton's Thursday Doors post.
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