As I arrived in the clinic for an appointment, a woman noticed the outfit I was wearing and commented and complimented me on my clothing.
The words she used and the way she said it took me by surprise. She said I was smokin' hot-the summertime look and loved the specific color of pink.
Whoa, I thought, are talking to me, about me? (I had to look around to see if there was anybody else she was trying to say it to, but nope, just me.)
When I picked out my clothes this morning, I wanted good vibes and positive energy. I needed my light from within to shine, so pink was the color of choice, going for a more country and summertime look.
I made the extra effort, the conscious decision to take more time to take better care of myself. I knew I needed something more, to brighten my day and my spirits.
It's taken me a lifetime to become more comfortable in my skin, love the person God created me to be, let go of what the world says, what I've been told and embrace this life I've been given.
Dressing up makes me feel good! Any darkness and insecurities seem to fade.
What I was wearing was not for show, or to bring attention to me, rather it was a way of showing up to be the best version of my self, taking care of the vessel God has given me for my time here on this earth.
It's a bumpy road I've traveled on, climbed many mountains and remained standing through many storms. Throughout it all:
I know who it is that I am.
I am God's precious daughter.
He has breathed life into me.
He is in me.
We are as one in this life (I needed to be reminded of that!)
I need to respect and take better care of this gift I have been given, all inclusive-body, mind and spirit.
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