Pormanteau Passepartout What do you know? Where will you go? Around the world in eighty days 1873 writer braves a story to stuns and amaze journeying difficult yet craved And do we now want it all? Explore and travel still don't pall Yet changing … | drkottaway May 25 | Pormanteau Passepartout What do you know? Where will you go? Around the world in eighty days 1873 writer braves a story to stuns and amaze journeying difficult yet craved And do we now want it all? Explore and travel still don't pall Yet changing weather makes cities fall What change will make us heed earth's call? No Passepartout to pack my bags Ethics queries about plane rides A portmanteau inside my mind Books are trips, to earth be kind For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: portmanteau. | | | | You can also reply to this email to leave a comment. | | | | |
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