2nd March
12 weeks to go! I signed up for Kirkhill 8 as I've always felt like maybe one day I'd try an ultra. I like the concept of a looped course in the knowledge that there's the security of being able to stop at any time I choose rather than being 20 miles from the finish and feeling done in! The other reason for signing up is that I've lost my mojo a bit over the last year, not motivated by training for any race in particular. I thought about a 5k plan to get speed back again but didn't quite get round to following it, I contemplated a 10k or half marathon and never got around to signing up, and now here I am having entered the Kirkhill 8 and having done very little training this far. I have, however, been gradually trying to build up my mileage again, focusing purely on easy running, with the exception of parkrun last weekend where I surprised myself by running 23:34, not bad for someone that's been consistently running 9 minute miles at best. I'm unsure if it's the fact that I'm beginning to see a little more daylight again or if it's the realisation that if I don't get into gear now it's going to be a long and painful experience, but today I've felt motivated to officially begin training. This kicked off with the first of my back to back long runs, 12 miles at the beach incorporating an easy paced parkrun.
3rd March: Scolty
Logged a very easy paced 7 miler around Scolty this morning. The back to back runs have begun. I'm way off anything suggested in the original plan that I got in preparation for this so instead plan just to run regularly at an easy pace to build up endurance. Being a trail run with a fair bit of ascent and descent, this run will not be about speed!
23rd March: Hazlehead incorporating parkrun
Longest run in quite some time. Set off just after 8 am and ran up to Hazlehead. Continued on to Countesswells before completing the parkrun route and timing it to perfection for the start of Hazlehead parkrun. Arrived just in time to applaud the volunteers and get going on the run. Quick stop at the end to get scanned before heading back out to run the parkrun route again. Glad it's mostly downhill on the way home.
In celebration of Jasmin Paris' phenomenal achievement at the Barkley Marathons I took my own gate photo on return home. It was lost on my sister (who in her defence hadn't seen the news); she texted to ask if I was okay!
2nd April: Training the Mind
I 'needed' to run but was struggling to find the motivation and was unsure where to go. Having had rain aplenty the trails would be wet and pounding pavements held no great appeal. With that, the decision was made … be more Dave! Those reading this who are familiar with the running club of which I'm a member (Metro Aberdeen) will appreciate the awesomeness of our Daves, talented ultra runners who do amazing distances!
This in mind, I ran in to Duthie Park and then ran loops, round and round and round. I don't know how many I did, not that many in the grand scheme of things, but I switched my mind off and just focused on running. Ten miles was the total goal and I did it.
14th April: Social Sunday at Scolty
Having returned from holidays on Friday I ran on tired legs over the weekend. Saturday saw me log 10 miles by running to Aberdeen parkrun with a shorter run on Sunday with friends. A few absent due to injury or marathons this weekend, we took a group photo to share with them all.
20th April: Stonehaven parkrun
Visited Stonehaven parkrun for a change today. Those who know me will also know that Stonehaven is a real favourite of mine, always so welcoming. Today was Annie's (Event Director) triple celebration of 50 parkruns, 250 volunteers and her birthday.
My intention had been to arrive early and run a few miles. Instead, I was running late, chatted briefly to Hazlehead parkrunners, Naomi and Stuart, and managed a mile warm up. I spotted the colourful shorts of Michael and waved across the playing field as he warmed up. Then we were off. Alternative course today due to work on the hill; this saw us run four and a half laps which were really enjoyable, particularly the part where usually we'd to 'the hill' as it felt faster due to the lack of breeze. Contrary to my recent Aviemore parkrun where I set off too fast and regretted it, today saw me run progressively.
Good intentions, I planned to follow up with an afternoon run, but by the time I got home I felt so exhausted that I conked out for an hour on the sofa! That's what a week back at work does for me!
21st April: Hazlehead
Having done less than planned yesterday I awoke before 8 am. Knowing that the London Marathon started at 10 am, I decided to forgo breakfast and run, getting 10 miles in before sitting on the sofa to watch TV for a few hours. Enjoyed a run up to and around Hazlehead doing as much as possible on trails.
There were some inspirational performances in the marathon and I followed my Metro club mates on the app. Brilliant runs, especially those making their debut.
Post marathon, fuelled by a chilli pie, crisps, shortbread and multiple cups of tea, I decided to head out again. This time I opted for the Deeside line, getting another 10 miles in the bank.
All I need to do now is keep moving for the 5 hours in between and I'll be nailing it! (If only it were that easy)
27th April: Kirkhill Loops
Thanks to Rod at CGM Ultra Racing, today I had an opportunity to recce the route of the Kirkhill 8. The loop is just over 4 miles and we had an uphill start, running from the parking area. This made me feel seriously unfit, huffing and puffing away initially. I'm relieved to say that this did ease!
There were 6 of us and a dog to begin. We all did the first lap, slow and steady with the faster folks regularly stopping to allow those of us bringing up the rear to catch up. The route was mixed with fire road, single track, roots and boulders. After one lap there were only four going round again as one headed for Balmoral, and another took the dog to cool down as it was warming up.
I ate a peanut butter and jam sandwich and set off again. Race fuelling has always been a challenge for me as gels and I don't always get on in the later stages so I figured I should maybe give real food a bash.
Another trip to Tappie Tower, we climbed up for the view and a selfie.
Finishing the second lap I was surprised to find myself back at the starting area. Others headed off at this point and I opted to extend my run with another lap.
It felt a bit harder without the company and I was unsure that I was on the right track …
Big log stacks? Don't recall seeing those before! (I had).
Woodpecker noise? Yes, I've been here!
Old tractor by a house? Think I've come too far! (No, you haven't)!
Steeper downhill section? Must be on the wrong path, I don't recall that dyke. (Wrong again).
Hence I was surprised to find myself back at the start on my third loop, slightly less so on the fourth. Delighted to log a total of 19 miles, unsure how I'll cope with trying to do more, but hopefully the element of surprise will remain and I'll amaze myself in many ways come race day.
28th April: Banchory
Feeling tired, I was happy to run alongside the river in Banchory rather than having to head up any hills. My ITB (I think) and possibly quads feel a bit battered after yesterday's effort. However, the legs did cooperate and I managed to run an easy paced 7 miles.
Back to Ride for the usual coffee, breakfast roll and blether, the world felt a better place again.
3rd May: Kirkhill Loops
After a busy week at work I left sharp to clear my head. The plan had been to aim for 5 laps and get the long run done for the week. My mind, however, had other ideas. From the outset it was telling me to stop. I opted to walk up to the starting area, then set off on the first lap.
The first mile and a bit is mostly a gradual incline. Reaching the path up to Tappie Tower was welcome as this gave me a wee walk break. I ran from the tower, the steepest downhill section here. It made me realise I'm not great at downhill running! Reaching the mud slide I walked up this section, running once onto flatter ground. The next ascent is more gradual but I walked it anyway, finally reaching the gradual descent and the single track path back towards the AWPR and start.
Made myself head out for a second loop, the mind games continuing. Feeling pretty done, I managed to complete a third before finishing for the night. By this point I was feeling the evening chill and decided it best to get some more miles in over the weekend instead.
4th May: Aberdeen parkrun
With Bruce away, my thinking was that I'd leave it to chance whether or not I woke for parkrun. I did waken and made it to the beach just in time for the briefing. A little disappointed with myself for last nights effort I probably ran a bit faster than intended, finishing just over 25 minutes. I then cooled down with a slow parkrun, happily making it back ahead of the tail walker.
5th May: Scolty
Just two of us for social Sunday, although 3 made it for coffee at Ride. We did the usual loop, slow and steady, rounding the week off at 39 miles. It's bizarre to contemplate my goal, more than a marathon, as I've trained less than I would for this. Time will tell whether I regret this! The training plan is intended to do never got started as work and life just got in the way.
11th May: Kirkhill Loops
Today's run was with the full CGM Ultra Racing Team plus a few others. I will be honest, I felt a little apprehensive being the only woman in the group, concerned I'd be the slowest too! However, knowing Andrew from days gone by, having met Rod on the last group run and knowing Adam through a few different avenues, I relaxed quickly. Chat among the group was easy, whatever the usual pace was we ran comfortably, and before I knew it we'd done a loop.
A bit of race day planning and advice was given, reassuring me that it's good to walk the uphill sections, using these for recovery, and to take it easy on descents.
Four of us continued for the second lap, those harbouring injuries taking the sensible option, and another comfortable lap was completed. I'm sure nerves will kick in again at some point but right now I'm looking forward to the big event.
19th May: Banchory Trails
The last of the trail runs ahead of next week's big event, today there were four of us. We opted for an easier run, largely avoiding anything hilly. Warmer than I'd like, the sun stayed away with temperatures similar to those predicted for next weekend.
The nerves are setting in ahead of next week. I've not done the same level of training I've done for marathons in the past, however my hope is to go slower but longer.
The packing list is done, Bruce is dropping me off and picking me up. All I have to do is run (or walk)!
Final Run
Having managed to get to Thursday without running, I opted for an easy 3 miles on the Deeside Line as my last run. My legs felt a bit heavy but I know this is in my head. Nothing more to do other than eat and sleep ahead of the big day!
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