So, we've all made it through January, and for many of us, we've made it through "Bloganuary" as well.
This was the first time, I've participated in something akin to a month-long blogging challenge. That being said, I wasn't entirely sure what to expect and how it would work out for me overall.
Now, having survived the month, what are my overall impressions and thoughts?
Let me take a tiny step back for a moment.
In about the middle of January which would make it the middle more or less of "Bloganuary", I posted "Bloganuary - What Does It Accomplish." Since that post, I haven't moved far in any direction from what I wrote in it.
For myself, and again this was myself only, I did find on many days I was simply pounding out some drivel to hit publish and say, "Yup, check off another successfully completed Bloganuary post."
Many of the prompts in my opinion simply lacked depth and had repetitive scope to them.
Now I get that part of the purpose of "Bloganuary" was to get bloggers writing; to generate traffic to your posts and blog and to quote the "Bloganuary" page - "Jumpstart your writing for the new year; to find inspiration within the blogging community and to grow your own audience." I will admit, that traffic to my site throughout January was up considerably.
Nevertheless, on some days the prompt had real meaning and depth for me, while on other days, not so much.
Certainly, I could have put far more effort into the "not so much" prompts, as I did into prompts that had more of an emotional connection. I don't have much of a defense or response to that, other than "Hey, it was just a month-long blogging challenge."
I am glad I did stick with it for the entire month though. I did miss one day, and I am not sure why. Maybe I was working that morning.
So, how did others make out over the month? Was it a good experience? How happy or pleased were you with the daily prompts? How pleased were you with your posts? Would you participate next year?
--as always with love--
--- get outdoors; find inspiration; discover yourself ---
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