| vet4golfing51 January 30 | Bloganuary writing prompt What do you complain about the most? I try not to complain about anything, because let's face it, what good does it do? When we criticize something is that a form of complaining? Complain is defined as expressing dissatisfaction or annoyance about something. Criticize is defined as indicating the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way. Looks like it is just a matter of semantics to me. Saying you criticize something makes you look more intelligent than saying you complained about something. I have never heard the phrase constructive complaining. People seem like they really do not want to complain or be critical. How many times have you heard someone say, I don't mean to complain but, or I don't mean to be critical but. If we don't want to do it, why do we do it? Is it because we do so many other things in life, that we do not want to do, that complaining is the one thing that in a way, we secretly enjoy. Sometimes complaining or being critical does seem to cause change. Whether that change is good or bad can be left up to debate. Some things that you complain about do go away. I mentioned using DVR to watch all sporting events and my complaining about all the commercials went away, because now I just fast forward through them. Some complaints you keep to yourself. Bad service at a restaurant is one that I keep to myself, because I do not want anything happening to my food and I get great joy in leaving a ridiculously small tip. I feel this is always better than leaving no tip at all, because the waiter knows, you know enough to leave a tip, it is just 3% of the bill. The things I complain the most about are the weather, traffic, slow play in golf, ruling bodies in sports, prices, crowds, holidays, and myself. If we lived in a perfect world, then the last one, myself, would be the only thing left to complain about. Complaining about other things is a way to give oneself a break from all the self-deprecation. I am definitely going to start complaining more and be a real pain in the ass for the rest of my life. Thank you oh great writing prompt, bloguary or whatever the hell your called. You have just turned me into a complaining asshole. | | | | You can also reply to this email to leave a comment. | | | | |
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