What are your biggest challenges?
I wasn't planning to participate in this so-called "Bloganury Challenge" or "Blogjanuary Challenge" or whatever the actual name and challenge might be.
Nevertheless, giving it a go for January 1st, seeing as I have far more time today to bang out something suitable or interesting.
Heading off into 2024, I feel that my biggest challenges are around a couple of things.
First is getting fitter, including getting my weight down by 15 to 20 pounds. I have hypothyroidism, and I find that getting weight to drop is a challenge even with exercise and diet.
The second challenge is the continuing journey of finding "who I am." What is my purpose and why am I here? The second one has been one that I've been chasing most of my life, I think.
Perhaps many of us do the same.
A couple of dandy's to work towards in 2024.
--as always with love--
--- get outdoors; find inspiration; discover yourself ---
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