January - My friend Stephanie H came to visit friends and family from the 5th to the 10th. She stayed a few nights at my place. We did some reminiscing over some cocktails lots of laughs a few tears, it was good to see her. Mid -month was full of Physio, chiropractor, massage any and all forms of pain remedy. Late month a long time friend, I had just visited in early December, told me in a tear-filled phone conversation that she had been diagnosed with a curable cancer. I marked the 30th in my phone calendar Carol starts Chemo treatments.
February- On Groundhog day Shubenacadie Sam saw his shadow and predicted 6 more weeks of winter. sigh! I continued training at the gym physio and had a pre-op appointment for my upcoming shoulder replacement surgery. Other than book club on valentines. I didn't seem to do much but read do physio, and go to the gym.
March- I joined my friend Tracy and her son at a winter festival in Sussex, New Brunswick which included a horse sleigh ride. I have the 11th marked as 3 years since WHO declared the start of the Pandemic. It was also Daylight savings and I celebrated it by heading over to Grand Manan Island for one last hurray before my shoulder replacement surgery. The 15th was my friend Krista's 40th birthday. Friends sneaked into her office filled it will balloons cards streamers pictures of her. We piled gifts on her desk, then at her regular workout time,(She is a cross-fit lover) a bunch friends and coworkers waited in the gym with a 40 birthday WOD ( workout of the day) on the board. We sang Happy birthday then did a group workout. We followed it up with cake coffee and conversation. I didn't do anything for St Patrice's day. Pre -op blood work 2nd had calls with both Stephanie for her birthday and Carol to see how her treatments were going both seemed great.
Grand manan island,NB
Sussex winter carnival
April- Big house clean and got the winter tires off the old truck. I cooked a bunch of food and froze it and stockpiled some easy prep meals. My sister came up from Cape Breton to help me through surgery. Up and out for a little walk two days later.
May- I watched the King Charle's coronation, started physio, had a positive surgeon follow-up appointment. As soon as I was cleared to drive, I went for a day trip through Fundy Trail Parkway. The end of month had union Stewart train in Moncton.
My long time friend Monique asked me to be a bridesmaid at her wedding in Toronto, ON. I was invited out on the boat of some dear Newfoundland friends, they gave me a floaty seat and I enjoyed a great day.
July. I was invited by my friend Tracy to Halifax. I showed her and her son the Titanic grave-sites, Halifax explosion sites, art gallery of Nova Scotia. We stayed overnight in Truro. One the way home it poured rain we stopped in Springhill at the Anne Murray center. I've yet to write about it. Third week of July I took Fundy Rose ferry from Saint John to Digby. So much I still need to write about. Did my only camping trip of the year in Keji park and Lunenburg during a storm of all storms. Visited family in Annapolis Valley and Dartmouth. Stop at scubenacate wildlife park looked for Sam but he was not visible.
Me and My aunt
Anne Murray center Springhill, NS
August I did a lot of reading on the porch in the warmth. I finished the Orphan x series by Gregg's Hurwitz. It was delicious. The end of August I talked with Carol. Her Chem was over she expressed cautious optimistism. She invited me to join her family in Costa Rica next year. Yes please, when do we go?
September. Got one more day out on boat with my Newfoundland friends on labour day weekend. On the 18th I flew to New York spent 3 wonderful days immersed in the city, then I took a six day cruise to Bermuda. More to follow on that fabulousness. Moniques bachelor party was the last weekend of the month I wasn't there in person but via video call. Carol called last day of the month we chose May for our trip to Costa Rica.
Me on Brooklyn Bridge
Horseshoe Bay beach
October went to Cape Breton to finally visit my family and friends. The one and only trip there this year. We had unbelievable hot weather so we went to the and swam. One the Friday the 13th Tracy, Krista and I were in Salem Massachusetts. That was a great fun day. The following day went into Boston had a look around.
Me Marble mountain beach in October
Bewitched statue Salem Massachusetts
November. Oh I cried going down the isle with my boutique of flowers. What experience to seeing my friend marry her best friend. Lots of dancing, cheers and meeting new friends. Stayed in a gorgeous B and B Inn by park. I highly recommend. I made lots of calls my aunt turned 81 another 85, Moniques twin niece and nephew turned 7, Carol was in Montana on trail ride.... Tracy invited me to join her at a outdoor nordic spa near Moncton. Hot tub sauna charcuterie board and spanking wine out in forest under a sky full of stars. Thanks Tracy.
Me, bride Monique, friend Cory
Me and Tracy nordic spa
December 5th marked 8 months since shoulder replacement and the 15th marked ten years living in New Brunswick. Went to work Christmas dinner. Ive been training hard at the gym trying to get back to normal strength in my shoulder still troublesome at times. December 23rd I stayed overnight at Newfoundland Friends home celebrating Tibbs eve. Turned a year older on the 24th.
Me and hosts at tge Tibbs eve celebration
Made lots of calls and messages to friends and family on Christmas. Booked my flight to Costa Rica for May 14th to June 4th. Happy new year everyone. With all my heart may it be your best year yet. Happy travels from Maritimemac
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