For Maddy and Shane
Marriage is work. It's rewarding and wonderful, and a successful one is a lot of work.
To be successful, you need three things, to have faith, communicate, and to love always.
When you first marry, it is bliss. Bask in the newness of your union. Enjoy the fun and fabulous times. There will be many, now and always.
But like anything with moving parts, your marriage requires regular maintenance and work. Here's how to do that.
First, have faith in the good Lord or another higher power. We are not here by accident. The good Lord put us here for each other. You were meant to be with your person and the other people in your life. Know that.
Besides having faith in a higher power, have faith in each other. Lean on the other when you need to. That is why you have each other. Faith will sustain you through the tribulations and make the good times so much sweeter.
Second, communicate. Never stop talking to one another. And I know it's cliche: never go to bed angry. Lack of communication has started wars and made relationships crumble. A simple misunderstanding can be undone with one word: sorry. Always talk through a problem. If you have a hard time talking, write it out. Send a voice memo. Never leave words unsaid. Words are power. And always respect your partner's words. They have meaning to them.
Finally, love - always. Love never dies. If two people truly love one another, that bond may never be broken. In the middle of a misunderstanding, it may feel like love is lost, but it's not. It's hiding. Pride and love cannot exist in the same place at the same time. When two people fight, love will go away to protect itself while pride fills a room with hate.
Pride will always want to win and will never back down. Pride will make people fight until the bitter end. When one puts pride aside, welcomes back love, begins to talk to their partner, and lean into the other, love will return.
Your marriage will have valleys and mountain tops. Sometimes you will be side by side in those places, holding fast. Other times, one will be on the mountain top and the other will be in the valley. Never lose site of each other. That is how you will get through.
Marriage is work, and that's good. Hard work is rewarding. Marriage is rewarding.
Maddy and Shane, this is my blessing for your union. May faith, communication, and love be constant companions in your marriage.
I love you,
Mom ❤️
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