| dawn Dec 1 | My brother wants me to come over weekly to buzz his hair. I'm not a hair buzzer. Also, I'm not a tailor or seamstress. I have no confidence in my abilities at all. I will do my best though. I hate to lose what little time I have but... weekly, is that really necessary? Yesterday, after the post office, I went to my brother's, where I sewed and sewed. When I came home, I found Sky feeling even worse. I slow-cooked his chicken and made a big pot of homemade soup for Wayne. I also worked on the studio, not in it, but on it. I had been awake since 1:30 am, so by 7:30 pm, I was dozing, lol. I don't remember the middle of the Beverly Hillbillies, only the beginning and the ending. Please send positive vibes that today will be a good day because there hasn't been a good day in such a long time. | | | | You can also reply to this email to leave a comment. | | | | |
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