Everyone I get to know and really become friends with, has a messy life with difficulties. I think we are terribly afraid to admit it, with the curated lives on the place that is not a book but has lots of Faces. I write that all of my patients are smart and they are. I had my own rural family practice for eleven years. My goals were more time with patients and to do good medicine. I succeeded at both. With more time, I could learn a little more about my peoples' lives. People that I would never suspect of having very messy lives still have them. Does everyone in our culture have estrangements, family that they don't talk to, parents that they find difficult, friends that they have gotten upset at and abandoned?
In high school my daughter says, "Most of the fights are stupid. Usually someone says something without thinking, even in passing. Person B takes it personally, gets upset, talks about it to others and then person C or D says something back to person A or shuns them. Person A has no idea what is going on and is hurt and upset. It is stupid."
Adults do this too. I had a friend where I would think about something for a week and then go back to him. "You said this. What did you mean?" Usually he didn't mean anything or meant something very far from what I was thinking. At least I went to him and did not add person C or D or E to the mix. He said, "You think about it for a WEEK." Well, that was his own fault, actually, because he can't tolerate anger. Even if I was upset or hurt, it was still interpreted as anger. Raised in an alcohol household and trained by medicine, I can hide feelings. After a while he could tell when I was chewing on something.
We grow up physically by our mid twenties, but often we don't grow up emotionally. Especially if relationships are interrupted and colored by drugs and/or alcohol. People miss developmental stages. Everyone is trying to cope as best they can, but I do wish our culture celebrated mature calmness and quiet adulthood, rather than just the wild youth. Wouldn't that be a change?
If you were to curate your life for something like the site that is not a book and has Faces, what would your ideal be? What do you aspire to? Kindness? Emotional maturity? Peace? My feed has friends, insects, birds, rocks, fossils, funny animal videos and music. I get almost no politics in it. I have not blocked anyone or anything. I try not to friend people I do not know. It is peaceful and a celebration of nature and yes, that is what I would like to curate.
For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: curate.
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