| vet4golfing51 Nov 1 | Another writing prompt ask when you knew you became an adult or something like that, and there were a few answers that said they never did. When I was kid I played a lot of sports on the playground. I did play some organized sports, mainly baseball, but most of the time it was just pick up games with the neighborhood kids. I watched a lot of sports. I was a good student and did my homework with no prodding. I always enjoyed watching movies and TV shows and reading. Believe it or not, over the course of about 10 years I read the Bible twice. As I got into my later "kid years" I got more obsessed with golf and played every chance I got. I was always stubborn and was going to do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. I was an only kid, so I did not have to share with anybody, but I had no problem letting friends use my stuff. I never even minded if I did not get it back. My stuff never hugged me. I was always curious about things. In school I was a bit of a math whiz, which was the main reason I did well in college and got into veterinary school. Naturally when I became an adult by age, I got a job and had a career. Now I am retired and 73 years old. Other than playing on a playground, I do everything today that I did as a kid. The only difference is that I do not have parents bugging the crap out of me. I guess you could say I am a kid at heart, but I much prefer being thought of as just a kid. | | | | You can also reply to this email to leave a comment. | | | | |
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