I was sitting back thinking of something I might be able to crank another post out on, and honestly not much in terms of ideas was rattling around in the six inches between my ears.
As I was skimming through posts over the past couple of years looking for some much-needed inspiration, I quickly glanced at one that dealt with this exact same scenario - "how to start writing when you're not sure what to write about."
At that time my answer was - "Simply start" writing. A post will evolve out of simply just starting to tap away at the keys.
That's where I am this morning.
Or that's where I was, until now.
In November after our daughter and Lynn had gone back to Ontario to visit with Grandma(who wasn't expected to last long - due to cancer). Our daughter said to me after she got home, that at the end of this all, there might well be many folks who will have regrets.
When I asked her to elaborate, she said if people don't take the time now to "express what they need to"; "to say I love"; and sentiments along that line or simply have a visit one last time, there will be a day when they can't do that. And she was also including her grandmother and grandfather in that scenario.
That got me thinking - no regrets.
The plan Lynn and I sort of hashed out on the way to the airport early Friday morning, was I would stay in Nova Scotia until either her mom passed or if it seemed she might only have a few days left and I could get back to Ontario in time.
I mentioned to Lynn on Saturday, that the next time I saw her mom, I didn't want it to be at a memorial service. I wanted to see her, one last time when she was still living life on her own terms in the next weeks.
We haven't decided anything yet on this as there are so many unknowns at the moment. But, what I do know is for any of us, there will come a day or time with loved ones when there will be no more chances - only regrets.
--as always with love--
--- get outdoors; find inspiration; discover yourself ---
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