Thursday, 28 September 2023

5 Steps for Hunter Recruitment & Mentorship

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5 Steps For Hunter Recruitment & Mentorship

At Soul Seekers, our mission of "Mentorship is Conservation" stems from our own personal lives being transformed through primal adventure.

When each one of us courageously stepped into the unknown and challenged our skillset, knowledge and grit through the journey of becoming a hunter something magical happened. We became better humans through the renewal of our souls and the connection with God and nature.

There is a saying, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."

We hold that saying to be paramount in our values of why we invest in the lives of others and to welcome them into the family of the hunting heritage.

If you want to create a legacy and truly impact conservation and the activity that you hold most dear, then there is no better time then now.

5 Steps For Hunter Recruitment and Mentorship

1) Be a good storyteller to ignite the curiosity of adventure in others. How we speak about our adventures has the ability to positively or negatively affect someone's opinion of hunting.

2) Reflect on your "why" of hunting. Why do you do what you do? That goes for why you hunt all the way to why you scout, glass, pack, or even walk in a certain manner. The excuse of "it's just the way I have always done it" will not cut it when it comes to mentorship.

3) You are a hunter wherever you go. Do not shy away or be ashamed of conversation or confrontation about it. Help yourself speak and defend hunting by learning about the Pittman-Robertson Act.

4) Conservation extends beyond our money spent and our voting abilities. It requires action in many ways. Such as adding your "HOWL" to support different state issues at or even setting up a phone call or meet up with someone who wants to learn how to hunt.

5) In all things, keep love at the center of it all. Your love for humanity, the outdoors and the continuation of hunting will cause a ripple effect larger than you could ever imagine. Our story is and will always be the most powerful thing we can share. Be courageous and become a soul seeker.

Share Your Thoughts On The 5 Steps With Us!
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