glenmckenzie(justabitfurther) posted: " Being in this semi-retirement mode for just a few days short of one year has provided yours truly with ample opportunity to contemplate questions or thoughts pertaining to the overall meaning of life or certain portions of it. Here's one for example." justabitfurther
Being in this semi-retirement mode for just a few days short of one year has provided yours truly with ample opportunity to contemplate questions or thoughts pertaining to the overall meaning of life or certain portions of it.
Here's one for example.
I wonder what it would be like to discover something fantastic or at least unexpected?
Not necessarily the cure for a crippling disease, although that would be more than awesome, but more of discovering stuff like a long-lost and forgotten treasure; a new animal or species; a mountain lake that has remained hidden since the dawn of time; even a $20 bill in the pocket of an old pair of jeans would do the trick .................. you get the idea.
Way back in 2016, Lynn and I unexpectedly discovered this lovely little waterfall while hiking the Bruce Trail as it winds through the Duncan Escarpment Provincial Park in Grey County, ON
Here we were just walking along ......... and there it was. A little gem, may be placed there just for us to cool off with on a hot summer afternoon. A small oasis in which to spend a restful moment or two.
It's not very tall(about six feet or so); nor does it have a massive volume of water flowing over it. It certainly isn't the most magnificent waterfall in Grey County, but you know was still a wonderful discovery.
It wasn't marked on any map of the Bruce Trail that I have, nor after doing a bit of research did I ever see any write-ups or pictures even indicating that the waterfall existed.
That day when we were open to head out; when open to find something new; an unexpected discovery!
Discovering something like this little waterfall or other sights when out on a trail or when paddling a canoe through the calm waters of a backcountry lake is one of the many benefits of spending time outdoors.
What's even better is when you discover something about yourself you never knew before.
Just as we were open enough to head out that day and stumbled upon this small cascade of water tumbling over the Niagara Escarpment, we can discover new and exciting things we never knew about ourselves.
If we're open and willing to let the discoveries happen.
It is really easy to get trapped in the routine of work -> eat -> sleep -> repeat. Lulled into a sort of sedated existence that survives within a very narrowly defined set of life boundaries.
The key phrase here is sedated existence. Who wants to live sedated?? Life is meant to be lived to its fullest potential. And the comforting part is "its fullest potential." Those three words; that phrase will have a different definition and meaning to each of us.
Pushing the boundaries; seeking new adventures; discovering new things and places; discovering new things about whom we are. Who you are?
We've all heard this phrase at least once in our lives, "Well, they're set in their ways you know. They won't change" And we all know people like that.
Maybe you're one.
Unwilling to try anything new; to even put effort into thinking about anything new;afraid to fail..........therefore afraid to try.
To me that's sad. Sort of like sitting and waiting for the end to show up.
I often tell Lynn, "I don't want to wake up dead someday!
But, if we're open; open to at least try.................then the whole world opens up like a spectacular kaleidoscope in front of us.
Just be open.....
Could be as simple as trying a new food. "Who knew I would have liked .........."
Sign up to take a few lessons in something. "Wow, didn't know I had some talent in ................"
When that friend says, "Let's go to that new art exhibit" Don't roll your eyes while madly thinking up some excuse. Just go, you might find out you liked what you saw.
This year try something new that really pushes you to the "edges of your boundaries."
the list is endless.
You get the idea.
Be open; try something new and make a discovery today.
Even if everyone thinks you're crazy!
--as always with love--
--- get outdoors; find inspiration; discover yourself ---
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