A year ago at this time, to say life was at the same time both exceedingly exciting, yet notably crazy would have been a major and gross understatement by any stretch of the imagination. But, here we are a year later and managed with great determination and I'm positive a bit of luck to navigate rather successfully through all of it to land in Nova Scotia.
Over the past few days, I've posted a few bits on getting out of your comfort zone or as an absolute bare minimum, expanding the metaphorical fences that define the comfort zone where we thoroughly and comfortably enjoy residing.
Simply to live life!
It would appear that the more things and time change or march on, the more they more or less stay the same.
From a year ago........
Well, here on a very early Monday morning, there are still a few things to finish up in terms of getting the "odds and sods" packed and ready for our trek to Nova Scotia. I do have a Doctor's appointment later this morning, but that as far as I know is the only scheduled "thing" for today.
Alas, I'm not typing away at 5:27am to update folks on our expedition to the east coast.
This Monday(June 27) would be absolutely the best day to push the boundaries of your comfort zone.
A spectacular day to move them outwards even if the result is only a tiny wee smidge.
Throughout our day-to-day grind of living life - we find, develop and nourish what we come to define and live within as our "comfort zone." "Comfort" within the context of its variety of definitions suggests "life is comfortable."
But, often we can work as hard as we ever have to maintain that "comfort" - whatever that "comfort" looks like.
Because it's easy; it's safe; it's predictable. It's comfortable.
And like the graphic says, your "comfort zone" may be a beautiful place......but nothing and I repeat nothing grows there. You can never grow as a person physically, emotionally, mentally, and intellectually if you're constantly dwelling within those confined boundaries of your "comfort zone."
So, do something this Monday(today) to expand your comfort zone. Do something that makes you uncomfortable. Even if it only makes you slightly uncomfortable.
Do something....life is far too short.
--as always with love--
--- get outdoors; find inspiration; discover yourself ---
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