CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Robert Downey Jr., 58; David Cross, 59; Christine Lahti, 73; Craig T. Nelson, 79.
Happy Birthday: Speed things up quickly, and you'll feel at home. Don't worry about whether others can keep up; it's OK to be first. After all, you are a pioneer. Dream about your goals, and in no time, you will manifest what you envision. Be true to yourself, and don't stop until you reach your destination. Open the door when opportunity knocks. Your numbers are 4, 11, 23, 26, 33, 41, 47.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Don't let decisions linger on when time is crucial. Look, analyze and make things happen that brighten your day and enhance the lives of loved ones. Use insight and experience to help others, and you'll gain perspective regarding your life. 3 stars
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): A sloppy job won't cut it; if you want to advance, give your all and promote what you achieve. It's up to you to do your best. Rely on your intuition, not unverified information that comes from unfamiliar sources. 5 stars
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Don't be fooled by fictitious information. Go directly to the source to avoid getting caught in someone's lies or scams. Do your research, ask questions and focus on what's best for you. Create opportunities instead of waiting for a miracle. 2 stars
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Your eagerness will require you to hone your skills to fit the application to which you want to apply them. Don't complicate matters; a one-step solution will have just as profound of an effect. Trust in what you know and do best. 4 stars
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Be careful; what you say and do might influence your position or reputation. Keep your plans simple and look for opportunities for personal and professional growth. A place you find special will turn into a good thinking space. 3 stars
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Take the initiative and try something new. The people you encounter will offer interesting thoughts that encourage you to speed up the process of achieving success. It's up to you to take what's rightfully yours. Update your image and demonstrate your skills. 3 stars
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Pay attention to what's happening at home. Understanding the dynamics of a situation and the people involved will help you stifle difficulties before they become hard to manage. Stick to basics and don't overreact, and everything will unfold as planned. 3 stars
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Contracts, investments and putting your energy into getting the biggest bang for your buck will bring high returns. A change is in sight if you use your ingenuity to develop a formula that fits your style and budget and offers the desired results. 3 stars
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Choose a path that satisfies your needs. Let go of the past and stop following; leading is your thing. Look for opportunities you feel heartfelt about, and you'll meet individuals who share your concerns. Do your part and pay your dues. 4 stars
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Put more time and effort into your home, family and finances. Set up your lifestyle to fit your budget and ease stress. Don't try to keep up with someone who is misleading. Set a standard of living that works for you. 5 stars
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Relationships will undergo changes you need to address. If you let others decide things for you, it will not be satisfactory. Specify what's important to you and make it happen. Take control instead of being controlled. 3 stars
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Fix up your space. The better the flow, the less stress and easier it is to manifest what you want your life to be like moving forward. Changing how you earn your living will turn out better than anticipated. 3 stars
Birthday Baby: You are inventive, nurturing and optimistic. You are sensitive and kind.
1 star: Avoid conflicts; work behind the scenes. 2 stars: You can accomplish, but don't rely on others. 3 stars: Focus and you'll reach your goals. 4 stars: Aim high; start new projects. 5 stars: Nothing can stop you; go for gold.
Visit Eugenialast.com, or join Eugenia on Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn.
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