Woke up yesterday morning at 5 am, went to the bathroom to find we had no water. We were waterless. So I went to cut off the hot water heater at the breaker box which is in our room. Wayne woke up asking what I was doing so I told him. He already knew. Said it had been out since around 2am when he got up to use the bathroom. I called Aqua. The water has been off all night. I called around 5 am and it wasn't on until 3:30pm which was when Wayne decided to work on our shower because it was either scalding or freezing. After a trip in the weather to Lowes and reassembling of the shower inverter we had water! I have to boil it but we had water! Had being the appropriate word. Shortly after our water was back the power at my daughter's place went out. Luckily the power was restored quickly.
I scooped water into buckets to flush the toilet but golly, I wanted a shower and to do laundry and eat with washed hands for crying out loud. Of course we have hand sanitizer on hand but still. In all honesty, I don't mind running out in the rain to scoop the water from the pool. I felt l like I was roughing it and I kinda dig that.
There was internet and cell service though and it was cozy with the fairy lights on, rain falling and napping pets. I practiced yoga and made art. Life is good in spite of itself. And for one day it was ok but now, the next day, the water is out again!! I reported it again! And although I reported it at 5 yesterday it wasn't documented until 9am. I will probably call again at 9 to be on the safe side. You know that laundry, I was waiting until today to do it since there was no time left to do and make dinner and stuff and I thought I could have it washed, dried and put away before 8. No such happening now. Smh.
I hope you're safe and sound during this storm. Have a beautiful rainy day and meet me back here tomorrow.
Here's a link to my vlogs if you get bored watching it rain
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