The august Society of Finessers is persistent if nothing else. The Society has quit writing me; instead, I get daily emails.
"Sir: We continue to protest your disdain for the finesse, an honorable technique that succeeds fully half the time, except in your columns."
In today's deal, West found a diamond lead against four spades: nine, ten, ace. South took the king of hearts, overtook his queen with dummy's ace and threw a diamond on the jack. He next let the nine of trumps ride.
West won and returned a trump. South won and led a club to dummy's king, but East took the ace and led his last trump. Then South had two club losers, but dummy had only one trump left. So South lost a second club: down one.
"The trump finesse lost," the Society complains, "not to mention West might have held the ten of diamonds."
After South takes his discard on the third heart, he should lead the king of clubs, not a trump. Then he can ruff two clubs in dummy and make his game.
You hold: S J 9 8 4 H A J 5 3 D J 9 4 C K 8. The dealer, at your left, opens three diamonds. Your partner doubles, and the next player passes. What do you say?
ANSWER: Your partner has a hand worth at least 17 points, usually with support for all the unbid suits, especially the major suits. You should have a game, but partner may have better support for one major than the other. Cue-bid four diamonds to let him choose the trump suit.
South dealer
N-S vulnerable
S J 9 8 4
H A J 5 3
D J 9 4
C K 8
S K 3
H 10 9 6 2
D K 8 5 2
C 9 7 3
S 7 5 2
H 8 7 4
D Q 10 6
C A J 10 4
S A Q 10 6
D A 7 3
C Q 6 5 2
South West North East1 NT Pass 2 C Pass2 S Pass 4 S All PassOpening lead — D 2
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