"Members of Art Center Ukiah loved our 2021 'Salon' show, so we are doing it again," states board member and show organizer Kate Gould. She continues with obvious excitement, "In the grand Parisian tradition of stimulating, provocative and all-inclusive fall art shows, board members encouraged local artists to submit their newest and most exciting work to be appreciated and discussed by all who behold it." Unlike most of the ACU shows, this one has no theme… it is intended to be open to all.
Kate explains the "Salon" tradition in a bit more depth… "Salon d'Automne was founded in 1903 as a reaction against the conservative policies of the official Paris Salon. Its aim was to serve as an outlet for young artists and to provide an opportunity to appeal to a popular audience. It was distinguished for its multidisciplinary approach."

Wooden bowl by Richard Malarich (Photo contributed)
Art Center Ukiah follows in this tradition, showcasing artists working in an unusually wide variety of mediums including encaustic, oil, watercolor, acrylic, wood, clay and textiles.
Kate continues, "The original French Salon dictated the stylistic preferences of the day, which was overwhelmingly classical. However, the 1863 Salon does Refuses (Salon of the Rejected) was created as a response to the large number of artists rejected by the French Academy's official Salon jury. The First Salon de Refuses included painters well known today – Manet (Le Dejeuner sur l'Herbe) and James Whistler (The White Girl). The Salon de Refuses led the way for Impressionism, which by 1874 essentially consisted of the work of painters whose art was rejected by the more conservative Parisian establishment. We now recognize and revere a number of innovative styles of painting that were exhibited in salons during the following decades: Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, Modernism… to name a few."
"It is also notable that women received an informal education at the Salon," Kate points out. "It was there that they were able to mingle with male artists and exchange opinions and ideas with those who appreciated culture." Women artists at the time were almost totally excluded from showing their work or actively participating in the art scene.
Kate promises, "The September ACU Salon wall is an assortment of works that will surprise, but perhaps not always appeal to everyone." The point, she elaborates with a twinkle, "is that the show should elicit interest, criticism and lively conversation… just like in the days of the original Salon des Refusés."
ACU September Salon d'Automne will display art work of an amazing group of local artists including Adon Valenziano, Margo Frank, Mariko Irie, Jan Hoyman, Richard Malarich, Lisa Orselli, Lisa Rosenstreich, Lynn Williams, Nancy Collins, Satoko Barash, Chris Bing and Jan Wax, Laura Corben, Nan Frenkel, Merie Holl, Michael Holl, and Alberto Lozano Ruvalcaba, to name a few. There are many more outstanding artists showing their work in this exhibit.
Kate explains that her intention in reaching out to such a large community of artists is "to give artists who do not regularly display their work at our gallery an opportunity to be seen." She continues, "I feel strongly about encouraging more people to participate in our exhibits. It is great that some participants are supporters of the gallery but it's the new work I most want to see on the wall." Kate's final words on the topic were "Be prepared to be surprised!"
The First Friday opening celebration for the "Salon d'Automne" will be on Sept. 2 from 5 to 8 p.m. in the back ACU space of the Corner Gallery (201 S. State St., Ukiah). Live music will be provided by Michael Oberg.
On the first weekend of the show, there will be a special free event open to the public. Instead of a class, Art Center Ukiah will host a lecture on Saturday, Sept. 3 from 2 to 3 p.m. Gary Martin, M.A., director of the Willits Center for the Arts and renowned art historian, will take us on a journey through Impressionism and talk about how the style was shocking to the public but accepted in the salon show called Salon does Refuses.
This is where Impressionism was seen by the public and garnered both acceptance and ridicule. This introduction to Impressionism and its history is a fascinating tale of what now are some of the most beloved paintings we know. Due to COVID concerns, the lecture will be limited to 20 people. The sign-up sheet is on the front desk at the Corner Gallery.
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