you are angry you say
I don't think those are the right words, I say
not angry? you say
bored, I say

BORED you say

Yeah, I say
Well, you say you don't love me
You say you won't change
You say you changed once, in the past
You say you won't go in a church
You say you did that
You say you won't go in a casino
You did that


My first thought about the church
My first thought about the casino
Is that is clearly where I can go
If I want to avoid you

My second thought about the church
My second thought about the casino
is ICK. Why am I hanging around
someone who doesn't love me
someone who doesn't plan to change?

My sister and I talk
about the people who don't change
about the people who remain the same
about the stubborn who bury their heads

We notice them shrinking
as the world changes around them
the things they are willing to do
the people they are willing to talk to
the places they are willing to go
get smaller and smaller and smaller

You dream of a small cabin in the wilderness
your brother shows up and an attacking bear
in another dream I am well and busy and happy

May all your dreams come true
my love
if you really want them to

I am well and busy and happy

are you?


April 18, 2022