Midweek days off are rare in my world. I took yesterday so that my mother and I could visit the butterflies and flowers up at Franklin Park Conservatory in Columbus.

It wasn't the best weather for this visit as the butterflies aren't as active on cool and cloudy days. It actually snowed part of the time, making me ask more than once if it was really spring. Mother Nature seems a bit confused. All the same, we saw several varieties and enjoyed our visit with these flighty beauties.

You just have to slow down and pay attention because some aren't easy to spot amongst the foliage. One guy was fortunate to have one land on his shoulder. My mother really wanted one to land on her but we weren't so lucky this time.

It also wasn't the best day for viewing the spring flowers outdoors. It was cool, overcast and windy when I ventured outside and tried to force some decent pictures.

All of the images here come from my iPhone because I didn't take time to sift through the pictures on my digital slr. It has been having issues but I'm still cautiously optimistic that there are some good shots.

Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this tiptoe through the tulips (sorry, I couldn't help myself) and walk amongst the butterflies.

The spring flowers run through April and the butterflies through May. Go visit if you can!