Hello everybody! 💚 We are now flying through March. Looks like Spring is just around the corner 🌞❤ Nothing reminds me of the Spring than enjoying some vibrant green soup! Leek itself is packed with flavour being from the onion family. It's not only good for you but super inexpensive to buy. The pea and ham is a good combo, inspired by that I have added ham into it, not only lends some flavour but also add some protein into the soup.

Just like our carrot, red pepper and red lentil soup, it's not short of garlic! We love garlic so much, it's not only flavoursome but it's vast health benefit. Go ahead and add as much as you like, otherwise omit if you are really not a garlic fan. You could venture out by starting with a couple of cloves and see how you feel? You'll get some benefit with having garlic in your soup minus the taste if you're not a fan of it.

Let's get started!

4 servings / Ingredients:

  • 2 large leeks
  • 1 med onion
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 1/4 cup of ham
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1/2 tsp thyme
  • 1 bay leaf
  • organic chicken stock cube
  • Salt + pepper


  1. Remove the bottom of leek (I also remove top if it has soil residue). Slice the entire leek. Pop the sliced leek into a colander. Peel and roughly slice whole onion, peel the garlic cloves and crushed.
  2. Give the leek a good wash for all traces of soil (my least favourite bit of the cooking haha)
  3. Add oil into pot with medium head. Add onions, sautéed until softened, crush the garlic into the pot and sautéed a couple of minutes.
  4. Add the leek - sautéed for several minutes until it's all soft, add a generous pinch of salt, black pepper, the herbs.
  5. Add in the chopped ham and stir for a few minutes
  6. Meanwhile boil a kettle of water, add a 1 litre of water and crumble in your stock cube and add in the bay leaf.
  7. Bring to boil and simmer with lid on for at least another 15 minutes.
  8. Your soup is done if you like it very chunky! Again, we went ahead and blitzed it with a handheld blender for a little bit, it helps to thicken the soup a bit more with a semi-smooth texture. Taste the soup to check if needs more seasoning, add more salt + pepper to your liking! Done!

I hope you love the green vibrancy of this soup as much I do. Soups are so easy to make, why not be a bit adventurous and make your own recipe with your favourite veggies and spices/herbs? You will be pleasantly surprised with your own concoction, soups can't taste bad but can only lack flavour. Load it up with your favourite spices or herbs, and of course season well with salt and pepper and don't forget your stock (stock cubes are the easiest to use).

Hope you enjoyed this and I hope to see you next time - have a lovely rest of your week!🌞✨