Jo is back this week with Hodgepodge questions. You can join in HERE.

1. Somehow it's March? Is it coming in like a lion where you live? 

It has come in like a Lion in parts of Western Washington State with heavy rains that have caused mudslides, flooding, and downed trees. Here where we live in Northeastern Washington we are having gentle rains and our snow is melting bringing us into the season we call mud. This next photo of our grandson shows the reality of the mud season. Fun for littles, not so fun for adults. 🙂

Tell us one fun thing on your March calendar. 

Our granddaughter is turning 5 in the month of March which is fun and exciting. My birthday falls in March, too. Our daughter and her hubby will celebrate their 11th anniversary this month. Auntie Lolo's dear Grandma Wilma turns 98 on Friday and gatherings and celebrations are afoot!

2. In what way(s) do you 'march to the beat of your own drum'? 

I'm finding this one hard. God has created me in a unique way and my hope is to march to the beat of His drum. It does not pay to kick against the goads!

To "kick against the goads" is nothing less than an exercise in vanity; futile and pointless. The Greeks and Romans used this saying to imply "ruinous resistance." Paul had to learn the hard way that resistance to Jesus was a losing battle — hopeless. God is sovereign.

3. The Hodgepodge lands on Dr. Suess Day (March 2nd). Do you like eggs? How about ham? Share a favorite quote from one of his books. 

I do like eggs and I do like ham. Make me some Eggs Benedict ma'am, I am!

That's my quote since Dr. Seuss is not a favorite of mine and we don't even have one book of his on our bookshelves. His books were never a favorite to read out loud either. I did have to read many out loud when the children in my 2nd grade classroom picked them for me to read in class. I never denied them that pleasure.

4. Have you read Little Women? How about Alice in Wonderland? Did you love them, like them, feel just eh about them? Why is this question in the Hodgepodge today? 

I think I did read Little Women, but I honestly can't remember for sure and part of my memory is mingled with the movie. I know for sure I have not read Alice in Wonderland.

5. How do you meal plan? How often do you shop for groceries? One homemade meal that was on your menu last week or is on your menu this week?

Oh boy. My meal planning is hit and miss and mostly centers around who is coming over for a meal. I shop for groceries when we are in town. My shopping lately focuses on what I need for a particular meal. Last week we had Taco Salad for a meal when our daughters in law and grands came over for dinner. We had trifle for dessert.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We are counting the days until we celebrate her 5th birthday. The theme she has decided on is Tea Party. Now her mom is busy coming up with all the creative ways to make that theme happen!

Thank you Hodgepodgers for stopping by and leaving a comment. I understand that some of you have issues with commenting on my WordPress blog. I don't know how to remedy that. Thank you for trying.

Happy March everyone!