Yoga is not only about lying down on the mat and stretching. It requires a well-prepared yoga routine to make sure that both your body and mind are ready for relaxation.

A yoga routine is what is going to allow the relaxation process and to enjoy the best that yoga has to offer you. This article is going to help you to build the perfect yoga routine by telling you the steps that really can't miss on it.

Wake up in peace

To initiate your yoga practice you need to have a gentle waking up to avoid a morning bad mood. So, you need to go to bed early, to wake up early too. Although we might think the opposite, the more we sleep, the more tired and grumpy we stay. You can go to bed by 10pm and get up at 7am, in that way you are getting enough sleep hours.

Avoid that standard alarm clock. Instead, leave the blinds open the night before and let the sun wake you up. If the sun isn't the best way to wake you up, you can also put calming and relaxing instrumental music as your alarm.

Breakfast is the day's most important meal

How many times did we hear our parents saying this? Too many times, right? Well, they were (and still are) right.

Having a nice and healthy breakfast is what is going to give you strength for the yoga practice. Yoga is not an easy thing and you need all the energy you can get. Besides, hearing your stomach making noise doing an exercise shouldn't be part of your relaxing playlist.

yoga routine breakfast


Speaking on a playlist, setting one can improve your pre-relaxation process by far! It doesn't need to be an instrumental playlist, it only needs to leave you relaxed. If listening to Pearl Jam is your idea of relaxation, there's nothing wrong with that.

Let it play during your entire preparation. When the yoga practice time comes, there's nothing better than silence, believe us.


Vitamin D

The better way of getting vitamin D is by doing a hike. This will not only improve your health but also your connection with nature.

It is proven that walking in the sun, in nature, can put us in a really good mood because, naturally, we feel at home. There isn't a better feeling than that for starting your yoga exercises.

nature walk

Create your space

Finally, delimiting your yoga space is an important thing to do. In this spot, you can't have visual or noise distractions that may misrepresent your goal: yoga.

So, create a clear space, with clear colors that will help you to relax. You can do it outdoors too. Know here how to create a yoga zone outdoors.

yoga studio zone