Happy Sunday! Happy Spring!

Sunset, Grass Lake, 3/16/22

Today I have a few items to share from godless women I adore.

Annie Laurie Gaylor is the co-founder of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and in her non-tract, "Why Women Need Freedom From Religion," she asks,

"Why should women--and the men who honor women--respect and support religions which preach women's submission, which make women's subjugation a cornerstone of their theology?

When attempts are made to base laws on the bible, women must beware. The constitutional principle of separation between church and state is the only sure barrier standing between women and the bible."

Gaylor's non-tract is available in print from FFRF, along with a number of other brilliant non-tracts. Keep some on hand to share with religious missionaries who come to your door!

If you haven't read Gaylor's amazing books, Women Without Superstition: The Collected Writings of Women Freethinkers of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries and Woe to the Women: The Bible Tells Me So, what're you waiting for? You're missing out! Get them ASAP! Learn the herstory of our freethinking sisters we've been so long denied and what makes the Bible so misogynistic!

Ex-Mo Lex spills the tea on the Mormon church's misogyny in How the Mormon Church REALLY Feels About Women. Demonstrating her godless view of gender she says, "I really shouldn't have to say this, but women are worth more than their ability to have babies and take care of a household."

Finally, for an earful of women's wisdom and creativity, check out the amazing Afropop Worldwide's Women's History Month episode, Afropop's Women Warriors:

Still from It's A Good Day to Fight the System" by Shungudzo

This program focuses on four female artists whose 2021 music is full of challenging messages for a challenged world. Climate change, womens' empowerment, police brutality, official corruption… All that and more in new work from Angelique Kidjo, Dobet Gnaore, Fatoumata Diaouara and Shungudzo, plus a dive into Octavia Butler's prescient cautionary tales with Toshi Reagon

I've listened to the program at least 10 times, and I know I'll come back for at least 10 more.

If you don't listen to the entire program, at least check out Shungudzo's song, "It's a Good Day to Fight the System." I love the lyrics:

I woke up feeling great  The birds are in the trees  They're singing me a melody  La-la-la-la, fuck the police  My head is on straight  My heart is peace  My soul is incredibly  Ready to change history    It's a good day  To fight the system  (To fight the system)  It's a good, good, good day  It's a good, good, good day    We're never gonna stop  We're gonna make it count  When one of us is tired out  The other one will hold it down  We're gonna spread the love  We're gonna spread it round  We're all over the city now  And way down in the underground (come on)    It's a good day  To fight the system...  

I hope the content I've shared today will lift your spirits and inspire you to fight theocracy.

Be well friend! Have a great week!

lisa eddy (she/her) is an atheist researcher, writer, and editor for-hire,  educator-for-hire, youth advocate, environmental educator, and musician.

Email: lisagay.eddy1@gmail.com