free art prints for little girls

As you know, I love to update the art work in my girls' rooms, as well as in the rest of the house. Purchasing artwork is often expensive, but it's surprisingly easy to create your own. Today, I am sharing some free art prints that I made using Canva ( Please feel free to download, print them off, and enjoy them!

  1. Esther- Perhaps this is the moment for which you were created.

What better role model exists for your young girl than Queen Esther in the Bible? Her story is all about taking risks, taking chances, trusting God, and having big things happen as a result.


2. Esther 4:14 with a floral design

the moment

3. Inspiring our girls is important. This art print is positive and encouraging, and sure to remind your girl to be everything she can be.  I love this one so much I printed it and put it on my desk at work.

she believed she could, so she did.

4.  When we are children of God, we sometimes need to be reminded "He's got this" when things get rough. This sign is a perfect reminder for little girls and old girls, too.

I am a child of God

5.  "For you are fearfully and wonderfully made."

I found a print very similar to this at Hobby Lobby, but I wasn't going to pay $26 for it. I decided to make it myself for free! I love the vibrant colors and the floral wreath, and I hope you will, too.

For you are fearfully and wonderfully made

To download, simply right click on your desired print and save it to your device. For best results, I like to send mine to Staples to have them printed.

I hope you have enjoyed these printables! Oh, and PS: You don't have to have a little girl to download and print them. You can enjoy them anywhere  in your home or office 🙂