I like sounds. I love tires on a gravel road. I love the sound of the key turning the ignition. I love cellophane. The peppers I buy (until our garden is in full swing) have a cellophane sleeve and a cardboard tray and I love the sound and the look of them, also the taste but packaging is important, to me, anyway. I love the sound of typewriter keys and even the little keyboard I'm currently clicking away on. I love the whir of a heater or fan in the studio. I love the sound of sleeping puppies and night owls. I love the plunk plunk plunk of berries dropping into a bucket. I love the pitter patter of kitty feet running up and down the hall in the morning. I love song birds and vinyl on the turntable, the sound of the needle settling down on the album, I love that. I love love love the rustling of the trees as a breeze blows through them. The sounds of peace. I hope your hear much peace in your day. Meet me back here tomorrow. Peace & hugs.