A funny thing happened on the way to bed. Wayne is the last one down the hall at night. I go first with the dogs as he double checks the locks on the doors. I don't usually tell Google good-night but that night I did. She told us the weather and said good-night back. Off I went with the dogs. I had put on my moisturizer and climbed into bed with Green Acres beginning when Wayne began shouting for me. Panic in his voice startled me like crazy. I went down the hall leaving the dogs in the bedroom. He was pacing the room asking me what was that noise? I heard it immediately and said it was a plane and he was exclaiming it was not a plane he had just went outside looking for it! I walked into the kitchen and though Google was silent I said stop and it did. Google was playing an asmr of a thunderstorm. Oh my gosh! It was so funny!

I hope your day is beautiful and filled with laughter! Meet me back here tomorrow. Hugs 🙂