General Brock Park. Photo courtesy of Eye on Norquay.

You Can Visit Pop-Up Event 10 AM to 1 PM
in General Brock Park on Saturday 2 April 2022

Good News! The Vancouver Park Board has begun public consultation on the renewal of General Brock Park.

This neighbourhood park is located on Brock/Wenonah Streets in the northwest corner of Norquay. The park opened in 1975. Since then upgrading has consisted of routine maintenance, except for the addition of a paved circuit path around the outside edge. The three features are a playground for preschoolers, a small paved and fenced court, and a large grassed playing field. Much of the park is swampy during the rainy season.

The 2010 Norquay Plan has brought considerable new development to the area, especially along Kingsway. Use of the park has increased. The Norquay Plan identified renewal of this park as the smallest of three priority community benefits. The other two are (1) new indoor and outdoor community space at the 2400 Motel site when redeveloped and (2) completion of Ravine Way greenway connector between Norquay Park and Slocan Park. Brock Park renewal, after more than a decade of extensive developer buildout under the 2010 Plan, is the first City of Vancouver delivery on any of the promised benefits.

Residents can participate in the consultation in two ways:

1 – Respond through the online survey

The Park Board is conducting an online survey about how neighbourhood residents use the park and what they would like to see in the future. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete.

Before engaging with the survey, you can access more information about the park by looking at the section headed "Documents" on the web page. The last listed document "General Brock Park Renewal – Site opportunities" details the kind of changes that the Park Board is considering for the park. Think about what Park Board staff may have missed – things like washrooms! Think about what features now provided in the park should remain.

Most of the survey is in multiple choice format, but several places offer opportunity for written comment. Here is the place to include any information or opinions that you are not able to input through the multiple choice questions.

The survey is open March 22 – April 12 and can be found at:

If you sign up to the mailing list (at bottom right hand corner of the web page) you will receive updates from the Park Board.

2 – Respond through the online survey

Attend the pop-up event in Brock Park on Saturday 2 April 2022 (time not announced).

This event gives you a chance to talk to Park Board staff and to ask further questions about the park renewal. If you attend the pop-up event, you should STILL complete the survey to make sure that your ideas are considered.

A second phase of public engagement is scheduled for Fall 2022. At that time residents can provide feedback on the more detailed proposed concept plan for the park. Construction is scheduled to begin in Summer 2023, assuming that funding is approved in the upcoming Capital Plan and Budgets.

Your input is important if you use this park or intend to use it in the future, whether or not you are a resident of Norquay.

This reporting can also be viewed at (reproduced with permission)