The center providing plant solutions in a diverse climate. That's coming up on This Land of Ours. 

plant materials center
Lockeford Plant Materials Center (CAPMC)
Serving the State of California

The Lockeford Plant Materials Center is a 106-acre facility located in the Central Valley of California.  It's about an hour southeast of the state's capitol, Sacramento, and is the only plant materials in the state. The center provides plant solutions for the diverse California landscape and serves the Mediterranean climate portions of California. Some of the activities during 2021 included reports on warm season cover crops, insectary plantings and soil health.

Two outreach events featuring pollinators were hosted in the fall, including a leadership day for local high school students. This included a "hands-on" component with students planting perennial species utilized as nectary plants by monarch butterflies and other pollinators at the plant materials center. During the year, CAPMC staff conducted six trainings related to cover crop use, participated in a Statewide Windbreak training, as well as the Employee Development Section Soil Health training.

Listen to Cathy Isom's This Land of Ours program here.

Click here to listen to an audio clip.
Plant Materials Center Provides Diverse Climate Plant Solutions
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