Beginning in the Southwest in the 16th century, the Spanish conquistadores played a vital role in the introduction of the cattle industry, when they imported horses and cattle to the region. The lives and land of the native people were exploited by the domination of these ravenous invaders.

Illness and sexual disease unknown to Native Americans were inflicted upon them by intruders with a shady past, whose disregard for Native-American women is documented in the few history books that offer truth, rather than glorifying a sordid past.

These assailants also proved to be an unrelenting disaster for animals — one which continues today.

In 1519, Hernando Cortes a Spanish conquistador introduced horses in Mexico, followed by Gregorio de Villalobos, who transported cattle to the region in 1521.

As the cattle industry multiplied, countless animals were abandoned in the Southwest fields.

"Rodeo" — a Spanish word meaning gathering of animals — commenced when cowboys began showing what it took to round up these animals.

On July 4, 1888, in Prescot, Ariz., the rodeo became monetized when seized animals were used in a violent display of capture as formal entertainment as merchants and businesspeople organized what is known as "Cowboy Tournaments." They continue to this day.

The offer of cash prizes resulted in a surge of applicants for the tournament, and the blatant mistreatment and disregard for the welfare of livestock and horses used for entertainment.

According to the Arizona Journal-Miner, the winner of this first event was Juan Leivas.

Today, there are more than 700 "Professional Rodeos" in 50 states.

Although the public has been well informed of the hundreds of documented cases where these animals were dragged through the arena with broken necks, tails, legs, feet and contusions, these spectacles of horror are ongoing.

When the physically battered animal is injured in the arena, the white hat cowboys create "body walls" to conceal the suffering sentient being from the audience. Those attempting to document the rodeo with video are routinely told that there are no recordings permitted.

Nonetheless, film or no film, the atrocious suffering of these animals is no secret.

It is appalling and unacceptable that leaders and residents here in California and across the country continue to allow this barbaric and cruel form of entertainment and not demand an immediate end to the suffering of all the livestock and horses subjugated to such wanton abuse.

Unambiguous laws — not just weak ordinances — must be implemented to protect them.

"Veterinarians on Call" are seldom seen, as it was with the recent case at Knoxville's Professional Bull Riders event, where a bull broke a front left leg. It was evident there was no "On Call" veterinarian, as the severely injured bull struggled to walk, void of any medical care.

The documented video was sorrowful to observe, and the fate of the bull was certain.

A bull with a broken leg is not going anywhere to receive medical care. The only exit was straight to the slaughterhouse.

The video is no longer available due to copyright claimed by "Professional Bull Riders."

Nonetheless, those who saw it won't forget it. Although rodeos are required to have a "Veterinarian on Call" there is seldom one present when needed.

Over the years, animals have agonized in the arena, revealing that the "On Call" does not work.

The Mexican Charreada's "Steer Tailing" (hanging to the tail of terrified livestock) must be prohibited. After persistent and dedicated efforts from those who care, Alameda and Contra Costa counties have banned this brutal event. So must every county in the nation.

"Mutton Busting" where children as young as 4 and older are encouraged by their parents to ride distressed and terrified sheep that cannot hold the weight of children must also be abolished to prevent injuries to children and end the abuse of the muttons.

The California Child Welfare Department whose goal is to protect children from abuse or endangerment should focus attention on these events and do their legal duty to prosecute parents who place their children in harm's way. New York banned this event in 2012.

Furthermore, the "cow milking contest" where grown men compete for speed in milking a lactating cow that should have been left nursing her calf, which is why she produces milk in the first place, is yet another rodeo even that must be forever banned.

The abuse of animals under the guise of teaching farm skills is a mere ploy for the continued abuse of animals in the name of entertainment, especially since most animals are factory farmed to be slaughtered for one's meal.

— The author is Founder/Director of Harmony Kennels Foundation, an educational 501(c)3 and can be reached at P.O. Box 5112, Vacaville, Ca 95696