Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂

Me 1 copy

( "I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I  do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…" ,  no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life  🙂 ).. 🙂

Hello Diary,

Before I start relaxing with a cup of Earl Grey and the Kindle, thought I would pop in and share a few thoughts…  ole Man Winter decided to visit last week and added snow to the rest of life's challenges… not only did Phil, the ground hog, not see his shadow here on Ground Hog's day, he could not get out of his home…  🙂


If he did mange to venture out, this is what he would have found… 🙂

Not to be denied, I spent the last couple of days moving snow, taking my time…. Unfortunately, with climate change I traded my snowblower in for a air conditioner, so had to use a shovel.. 🙂

BUT, we did not get depressed, we did not raise the "white flag", for in spite of the storm outside, we put our dancing shoes on.. Thee first thing we did were turn on the energy efficient convection oven and made some blueberry muffins (on the left) and Dutch's pancakes ( I eat the pancakes with apple butter)…. 🙂

Once we finished that baking, decided on making some sweet bread to have with my Earl Grey… 🙂

And speaking of food, once the storm stopped, I cleared a area and helped my backyard friends with a bit of food.. 🙂

Also, over time a feral cat started visiting… a feral cat being a wild domestic cat that was looked down upon and rejected by society and left on its own (sound familiar?? 🙂 )… well, seeing as how we are different here on the path, I made the cat a den on the deck to protect it from the harsh winter should the cat choose to and I also put some cat food out in a container.. and the cat can still be free to be what and who the cat chooses to be.. 🙂

Soooooooooo, no depression here, no sadness or sorrow in spite of life's challenges..  For here there is always hope..  "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul - and sings the tunes without the words - and never stops at all." (Emily Dickinson)..  Or as John Paul Jones said "I have just begun to fight" and "Victory is not always winning the battle, but rising every time you fall" (Napoleon Bonaparte)..  🙂   A quiet morning to wake up to Sitting, gazing out, with a spot of tea, Contemplating my tomorrows Wondering, what will the future be.  A quiet morning, a open mind Thinking about the path, its mysteries many fold, Each to explore and treasure Soon a treasured memory to behold.  A quiet morning, a open heart Another day to learn and explore about me. It is my life.. only get one chance Will have to do it my way.. don't you see.  A quiet  morning, being different Reminding me of words from a song, Where do I fit in, one asks One wonders, where do I belong.  A quiet morning, on the path At the end of it, on the horizon, a lovely rainbow, It is there my answers lie... the truth is known Until then, only Fate will know.  A quiet morning, spirit and mind at the ready To seek the rainbow... perhaps around the next bend, Once found, I'll have my answers, you see And that will be the beginning, not the end.                     (Larry "Dutch" Woller ) 

Well, had better close for now… Kindle is at the ready and the tea kettle is reminding me the water is ready… but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin' and the creeks don't rise..  🙂

And remember "The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible."  (Joel Brown), so put those dancing shoes on and  don't give up…  🙂



And, until we meet again..  May the love that you give Always return to you, That family and friends are many And always remain true, May your mind only know peace No suffering or strife, May your heart only know love and happiness On your journey through life.      (Larry "Dutch" Woller) 

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