Yesterday started off as usual, I got up, did my usual routine, chores, french class, bible reading, blog, made breakfast and had time weave before lunch. After lunch we piled into the car, all four of us, Wayne, Rainy, Sky and myself and headed to the Justice of the Peace. Wayne and I got married! After 17 years of living together, 31 years of history between us we did it. This old hippie did something she never expected to do and got married. It was so much fun! The man who married us had a super groovy vibe and when we left he was still laughing outloud!! I didn't cry, I laughed! I think it was nervous energy. It was perfect. Cozy and nice just the four of us in the little room with the man behind the window, sounds strange but I liked it. We joked with him that we were waiting until our kids could be witnesses 😀 Afterwards we stopped by the Restore where we found many treasures!! 16 albums in mint condition!! Crosby Stills and Nash one of them!! I found alcohol ink and adhesive and Wayne spotted a heddle loom for only 5.00! We got LED lightbulbs for only 1.00 but that's not really exciting. Rainy bought us all diet Cheerwine in the bottles so when had a toast when we got back in the car, again fun and cozy! It was so funny and appropriate that on the drive home the song by REM It's the End of the World As We Know It played and we all laughed so hard! We can all use a new world anyway. Sky took pics when we got home and Rainy filmed the wedding with her phone and I'm glad because it seems like a dream now. I was worried I would put his ring on the wrong finger!! I keep thinking this is my first time watching Green Acres as a married person, today will be my first breakfast as a married person...Guess I'll be doing this for a while. So, yeah, I did things yesterday that I've never ever done before.

Have a beautiful day and meet me back here tomorrow for the second blog as a married person 🙂 Hugs

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