In keeping with the theme of "mid-winter blues", we decided on Friday afternoon given that it was a glorious and blindingly sunny winter's day, we headed slightly north of us to the Six Mile Lake area of South Muskoka.

This wasn't really major or even a minor adventure in terms of what we're used to doing. If it needed to be classified(and I'm not certain why it would need to be?) it might naturally fit "minor in terms of scope"; major in terms of mental and emotional wellness."

A slight bit of background here, I've been struggling for the past number of months(and far too many to count up) with the feeling of being lost; emotionally, and mentally drained/done. All along with that is the work-related stress caused by the pandemic and a host of other issues(again far too many it seems to add up). So getting outside to canoe, hike, or backcountry camp(plus a number of other outdoor related activities) has been to me over the years a number of things, but importantly it has been the way to recharge the soul and to disconnect from life in order to reconnect back to it.

Needless to say, it has been a significant battle at times to make a decision to head out somewhere and then to carry out on actually doing it. More often than not, I end up talking myself out of what I had talked myself into 24 hours previously.

But Friday afternoon was the day.

We ended up doing just a wonderfully short hike(actually, it was a trail-breaking trudge through knee-deep snow) to a favorite point looking over the water.

It wasn't far by any means, but in a way, for at least me it was a type of breakthrough. At least we got out. So, I'm taking that as a small win. And a win is still a win no matter how big or small that is.

Lynn's telling us all we need for an afternoon out is a "thumbs up" attitude and all the while supporting "rosy cheeks."

It certainly was cold(pushing -20C), but no real wind.

Yup, a win no matter the size is still a win.

--as always with love

--- get outdoors; find inspiration; discover yourself ---