Happy new year to you all. Last night we had a lovely little celebration, I am pleased that I managed to stay awake to see the fireworks and to welcome 2022. After going back in I went to be immediately and I had a nice long sleep in today. The I had some leftovers from our tapas feast for breakfast and now I am enjoying a coffee, some blogging and a podcast. To me a great start to the year. If the weather lets up a bit I will go for a little walk to get some fresh air and then we will be going to my mother's house for a dinner later on today.

Last year was a good year on my blog both with posting and the lovely people that stopped by, especially those that have left me a comment or more in the last year. I managed to post 137 posts and I wrote almost 26 K words. I am quite pleased with that, especially since I had an unplanned break at the end of the year.

My most visited posts last year was:

  1. Happy birthday to me
  2. Bloggiversary
  3. Home again
  4. Writing travelling September
  5. Writing June
  6. Bergen again
  7. Wordless Wednesday
  8. Wonderful weekend
  9. Lovely day - thank you
  10. Happy Valentine's Day and Norwegian Mother's Day

As I was a little way off from the goals that I set myself last year, I will set myself the same blogging goals for 2022 and hope that I can manage to reach them this year. There is no point setting myself higher goals when I did not manage to reach them last year. But at the same time I was not that far off, so I will try to not set them lower that I did last year. I do believe that they are within reach.

Thank you for all the lovely interaction the last year. I hope there will be plenty more in 2022 and that the year will bring a lot of good things for you and yours. Here is to a more normality in 2022.

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