Often, my inspiration for a blog post will come from my own life. I will experience something or get curious about something and then do some research to answer my own question. During that process, if I find interesting information that might benefit others, then I write a blog post to share what I've learned. This week, I was reminded of the importance of being prepared if you are going to exercise outside when the weather is cold. I found myself about a mile from home, with the sun going down in leggings that were not thick enough for the cold weather… So, for myself and for anyone else who might need it, here are some key tips about being safely active during the winter!

As the old saying goes, safety first! Staying safe and warm is the main concern. We are going to address clothes a bit later, but first we are going to talk about safety concerns unique to being outdoors in cold weather (for more general outdoor physical activity tips, check out this post). First, days are short during the winter. So, if you are an early morning or evening exerciser, odds are that it is going to be dark. If you are going to be near a road or cars, you need to make sure you are visible. Reflective clothing, wearable lights, or walking in well-lit areas can all help you been seen when you are out in the dark. With the short days, cold temperatures, and less sunlight than other times of year, you might be tricked into forgetting how powerful the sun can be. When exercising at daytime, be sure to have sunscreen on any exposed skin. Winter sport lovers might also need sunglasses, as the sun shining off the snow can be very bright. Finally, pay attention to the surfaces outside. Ice can cause you to trip and fall, so if it's cold enough for ice then pay attention to the ground!

As promised, we will talk about wearing the appropriate clothes (unlike me!). Sticking with the theme of old sayings, I'm thinking of "dress for the job you want". In this case, we might say dress for the temperature and amount of time you are going to spend outside. Start by checking the temperature and wind chill. If the temperature is below 0° F or if the wind chill is bad, you'll want to consider staying inside (unless you have some serious cold weather gear). If you think you can dress warm enough to brave the temperature, then your best plan is to dress in layers. As you exercise, your body will generate heat, you will get warmer, and being able to remove layers as needed will really help. Wool is a great bottom layer because it pulls sweat away from your body (you'll sometimes see clothes that are advertised as moisture wicking, this is what they mean). Finally, as you're getting your outfit ready to go, you'll want to pay close attention to your hands, feet, ears, and head. They are all areas that can get cold more quickly than the rest of your body. Hats, gloves, thick socks, and even chemical warming packs can be your best friends!

My final tip is to make sure you drink enough water. Again, in the cold weather you might not notice your sweat as much as you do in warm weather. Even when it is cold, you are likely to sweat, so make sure you are staying hydrated. Especially if you are going to be outside for a longer amount of time, make sure you have water with you. Again, the cold can make things tricky. You might need to carry your water in something insulated so that it doesn't freeze on you!  

Winter can be tough and for many, Mother Nature keeps them indoors. That is totally fine, as always, my main point is that you should find a way to move that works for you. If going out in the cold sounds miserable, then find ways to move at home or in the gym. But, if you are going to brave the cold temps and go for some outdoor activity, follow these tips to make sure you stay safe!

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