I lie in bed in the dark of the early morning. I listen to my husbands light snoring and my daughter's shuffling and I am so grateful and at peace.

This week, I've been at a school on uni placement. The days have been long, getting in for 7:30am and leaving most days around 5pm, and I feel like I'm failing my daughter. I've hardly spent any time with her and I'm so mad her nursery key worker gets paid to spend more time with her than me. On tuesday she didnt want to leave nursery and she screamed reaching out for this girl (who is lovely). It broke me. Old me would've reached for a bottle. New me booked a dance class early on a Saturday morning, one that we could both do together. And off we went, swirling ribbons to disney and running around a hall with other over enthusiastic mums with little toddlers. It was the best part of my week. After we visited my nan who is finally out of hospital and then went to a cafe for a cookie (for BB) and a latte for me. A whole girls morning. We had so much fun I'm going to make more of a thing of this.

Hope you are all well and resisting the drink gremlins. Mine came calling hard on Tuesday and I'm glad not to have stepped back into the land of sepia and instead stayed in the land of colour.

Lots of love

JS xx

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