Happy (belated) New Year everyone!

Last year was a traumatic year, not just because of the pandemic, but because I spent the majority of the year nursing one injury or another (shin splints, sprained ankle and peroneal tendonitis) which dramatically impacted my self-esteem, my ability to cope with external stress and my goals for the year. However, after investing time and energy into rehabilitation and strengthening, I finally managed to run a full 5K on 30 December, ending the year on a high note!

While I am not entirely convinced I will be in a position to run the Cambridge Half Marathon in March, like you, I have some intentions for the year that I would like to commit to as I enter my third year of running (it feels mad to say that! When did I graduate from couch potato to fully fledged runner?!)

Rather than sweeping goals, distances or times, it is about making small, sustainable changes that are achievable:

  • Run three times per week including one group run per week,
  • Improve mobility and flexibility through regular stretching, particularly for my hamstrings and hip flexors,
  • Strength train twice a week to build a strong foundation,
  • Volunteer 25 times at Riverside Junior parkrun to help others enjoy running,
  • Stop comparing my running achievements with others.

Funnily enough, I think the hardest goal will be to stop comparing myself with others and embracing my own achievements. I don't know about you but I really struggle with not comparing my times, distances and ability with people who have achieved more. I want to make peace with my own ability and achievements instead of losing that joy by making comparisons. This year will definitely be the year I look internally, instead of externally.

Tell me, what are your intentions for the year? Do you have any big runs or races in 2022?

First 5K since 27 October 2021

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