As of this moment, Today's Furry Moments has been around for exactly 890 days, 16 hours, and 44 minutes. I honestly can't believe that! It has definitely been a journey and a learning experience!

Anyway, happy 2022! I wish you all a wonderful year (and hopefully the last year of COVID-ness. Maybe). Today I just wanted to talk about what I'm thinking for my site in 2022. If you have any ideas or suggestions, or even just a favorite post, I'd love to hear your input in the comments!

First, I'll definitely continue with the memes and my Double Dogs series. Those have been so fun to create and seeing you all enjoy it makes me happy. I'm still going to do Photo Friday as well. However, my educational posts haven't been as popular (and they're not as fun to create!) so I'll limit those to once per week. In regards to recipes, I haven't been posting as many lately. I will still post recipes when I've invented something cool in the kitchen, but those won't be as frequent.

Also...drumroll please... we're going to have guest authors! There's a very cute and inventive series coming up from a guest writer. It's called Dumbo Gato - please keep an eye out, they're so fun and hilarious to read.

I have some goals this year as well:

  • Use Pinterest more to promote my ideas
  • Maybe create an Instagram account for one or more of my pets?
  • Publish something around five times per week
  • Have a guest writer post at least once per week
  • Take more pictures of my pets
  • Post more about my chickens and bearded dragon
  • Make more graphically designed images
  • Keep up existing traditions like Photo Friday and Double Dogs!
  • And come up with new ideas!

I didn't want to make my goals with specific numbers in mind, like "Reach this many views" or "Get this many comments." I think it's important to have fun while creating content, and I didn't want it to become work. I feel like when I'm having a good time writing, my readers can see that in my content.

This post has been somewhat of a ramble, but I hope you have a fabulous New Year. Again, I welcome any input in the comments, and please let me know what your 2022 blogging goals are! Thanks for reading.

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