From  Dawn to dusk  And  Everything in between    How is it  You show love?    Do you do  Anything?    Upon awakening   Hug  Embrace  I love you  Kiss    Late morning  Midday  Late afternoon  Early evening    How  Have you  Spent your day?    Noticing  Validating  Thinking about    Kind words  Gentle touch  I appreciate you  Thank you very much    Expressions  Of love  Different for  Everyone    The giver  The receiver    Communication  Messages received    Verbal  Non-verbal  Silence  Somewhere thereabouts    Evening's arrival  Time for bed  This day  Has come to  An end    Goodnight  A touch  A kiss  I love you    Off to slumber  Off to restore  Off to repair    Body  Mind  Soul    Next morning  Day ahead  

The writing above all came about when thinking about how we show and share our love with one another. The image of a sandwich came to mind with only the bun and no ingredients in between.

Sometimes, that's how we go about our days. A little something in the morning to get them through the day and then in the evening upon going to bed to last until waking up the next day.

What is it we need to sustain us? Love? Attention? Touch? Is what we're given by our loved ones enough? Do you feel like you need so much more, more than a little gesture of love upon waking and at night?

Maybe I'm a bit too demanding...

Maybe I'm a bit too selfish...

Maybe I'm a bit too needy...

Maybe I'm a bit too touchy feely...

Then again, maybe not!

I know I am exactly the right dose. His love sustains me. When worldly things let us down, don't give up hope! Rise up! Raise your arms up! Lift your head up high! Give everything you've got up to God!

He has much love for you and I. It's all there, written, His word. This journey of mine, I am learning a little something every step of the way. I appreciate you being part of this journey.

What started out in my rough draft notes, comparing life to a sandwich, that which is more than just a bun, bread with so many ingredients and substance, turned into something much deeper.

As the night progressed, I dug deeper into His word. That's when He brought my focus and attention to Him about being the "bread of life" and "man shall not live on bread alone."

Amazing what spending just a little bit of time with God can do for the body, mind and soul! He brought an awareness to me this evening, words needing to be expressed and shared.

The following is a youtube link to listen to, "I am the Bread of Life" song. May you be comforted by hearing His words.

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