In recent years with our heavy increase in digital use, we spend more of our time in our email accounts. Young adults have gone from checking their emails once a month all the way to being up to date every week on what they may have missed. The ease of having the ability to check your inbox on your phone only makes it all the easier. However, with the rise of email frequency, it's getting harder and harder to detur emails of interest from emails with malicious intent.

Can you think back to how many fake emails you've had to train yourself to sort through? And with the knowledge that these scams are fighting for your attention at every chance, it's all the more important to be aware of what emails you decide to open. Fake emails from common brands like Amazon, Walmart, Target, ect. with promises of cupons, gift cards, and order information. Some malicious emails are as dangerous as even opening the website provided could give away your I.P. address to a collector. Find ways to recognize and sort through malicious emails and prioritize the safety of your devices and information.


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